Going to Bratislava [SK]

29.03.2023 Last day in Portugal. I didn’t work to sleep in. I have a sleeping rhythm as it seems. Most stuff is packed. Just some minor Things and a last dish washing duty. I take the rubbish out and then I kill sole time until 10:30. Last tour with the not so level elevator. Ordering…

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Viana do Castelo [PT] – Day 8

28.07.2023 Someone has to beat the one that set the alarm to 7:00… That was too early but I want to go on another adventure today. The breakfast is not nice, since the baguette got dry over night. Maybe I find something on the way. I already packed the backpack for today. Grabbing the trash…

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Geocaching in Porto [PT] – Day 7

27.07.2023 No big plans for the day. I am staying in bed a little bit longer and then – after a shower and breakfast – I am on my way to Casa de Musica. But this time the bus stop. I want to find Geocaches today and start at the Forte de São Francisco Xaviar….

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Guimarães and Braga [PT] – Day 6

26.07.2023 Getting there The great God of Porto busses does not like me very much. Today a tour to Guimarães and Braga is on the board. After breakfast I should be able to make the 9:25 train leaving from São Bento station in central Porto. The bus should be just around the corner and drive…

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Porto [PT] – Day 5

25.07.2023 Today is a quieter day. I even slept until 7:30. I have some well timed plans – you might call it a spa-day. After breakfast it is out to the bus stop. Since I bought the ticket yesterday I want to use it. I also need a new sunblock, since I hate the spray…

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Santiago de Compostela [ES] – Day 4

24.07.2023 Nothing worse than hearing the alarm at 6 in the morning… oh wait… waking up 20 minutes BEFORE the alarm goes off is worse. Well, at least I will not miss the bus. Packing my stuff, eating breakfast – of course I put clothes on – what did you think and then downstairs to…

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Porto – Day 3

23.07.2023 Well… I am on holiday, so 6:50 is the perfect time to be wide awake. I have collected more water and see a water bubble forming on the ceiling. I hope the technician comes tomorrow as promised. I didn’t hear it this night, so it is OK. The plan for the day is to…

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Porto [PT] – Day 2

22.07.2023 Not used to the bed, the time one hour behind my normal time – the night was over at 6:45 am. Yeah… always on holidays. 🙂 Just lying on the bed enjoying not having to go to work. But first I have to check the water from the smoke detector (it sounds wrong). The…

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Oslo to Porto – Day 1

21.07.2023 I had set my alarm to 8 am to get the breakfast at the hotel. I booked late check out because my flight doesn’t leave until 15:40. After a quick shower down to the reception before I forget to pay my hotel room. And the to the feeding station (also called buffet). A little…

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On my way to Porto

20.07.2023 Finally holidays. I took the day off last minute and started my holidays earlier. Otherwise I would have worked half the day. That is not worth it. SAS send an SMS that the flight is full and I can check in my hand luggage. But I don’t want that. What I want is no…

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