A slow day in Paris – Easter day 6

After doing a lot the last days, this day is supposed to be a slower one. My mom has decided, that she wants to rest herself and her arm. So it is the rest of the family that does some stuff today. Meeting point is the Jardin du Luxembourg in the heart of the city….

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Versailles – Easter day 5

Easter Sunday. Time for some more exploration. In advance to our trip I have bought tickets for the palace of Versailles on their homepage. It was revommended, especially when you want to visit during major holidays. A ticket just for the pallace is not that bad, compared to other places. 21 Euro per person. Since…

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A “Special” Day in Paris – Easter day 4

Good morning everybody. Time to explore more of Paris – but not as much as yesterday. We might have overdone it a little. Breakfast with fresh baguette and croissants. Then new tickets and back into the city, The whole family is meeting at Place des Vosges in the center of Paris. New tickets for the…

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Sightseeing marathon in Paris – Easter day 3

Morning and time to give Joseph from the boulangerie some of his change back. A baguette for a Euro and three croissants for 1,60 Euro a piece. Not very expensive. Since my parents took half of their flat with them we eat homemade jam and cold cuts. Nothing wrong with that. We don’t want to…

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Paris waiting – Easter day 2

I didn’t need the alarm today, since I woke up on my own at 5:45. Nothing to gain by falling asleep again. My alarm would have gone of half an hour later. Breakfast at the hotel. They even have eggs (there is a total shortage in Norway at the moment). Standard hotel breakfast. Bus to…

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On my way to Oslo – Easter day 1

Time for some holidays. Still cold in Norway and we even had some snow. The whole family is gathering in Paris this time. I have been there once before, but my parents have never been in the city. But first I have to do another days work. And in the afternoon I took the bus…

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Winter in Stockholm – Day 1

On tour again. This time on my way to Stockholm as many times before. Scandinavian Airlines thought it would be a good idea to stop all flights from Molde from February 2024. That means, that I have to use my remaining bonuspoints now, if I want to get something out of them. After som back…

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I am crazy again. But that is how I am normally. When I come back from a trip with the family to Paris next March/April it is a Thursday, but why go home if you can have another three days of holidays. So after my flight back to Oslo on the 4th of April, I…

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