When putting out geocaches you are responsible for checking every now and then, that they are still in place and everything is ready to use. This road opens in June/July and is open util the first snow in November (or whenever this is). So this is a summer task.

I started with my journey to Åfarnes in Rauma municipality. From there the county road 660 east towards Mittet and Myklebostad and over to Eresfjord. On the way I placed some new caches. there cannot be a church without a cache to find. 🙂

Some more checks before I stand at the barrier to the Aursjo Mountain road. 100 NOK later I’m on my way up. After some small stops to check existing caches and putting out some new I park my car at the small sign for the Aurstaupet. The “staupet” itself is a waterfall, but this is the viewpoint. A rock that sticks out over the valley with a vertical abyss of several hundred meters. Nothing if you are not free from giddiness. And parents should watch their children unless they have wings. Not so sure about mothers-in-law – you have a chance here. 😀

Going on towards Aursjøhytta – a public cabin where you can spend the night or – as I do – take a break and eat a snack. For me it was a waffle. Great view, Ok waffle.

Now it is time to decent to Sunndalsøra. Nothing special, just a lot of more caches. There has been a special railway here many years ago, so I do a 2 km detour to put down one here. I pick up 3 hitchhikers on my way back to Molde. Holidays are here and this is a cheap and secure way to travel in Norway.
Home after a beautiful day and 260 km. Sun most of the time, now I have to get the caches into the computer.