My last full day in this interesting city. One week is enough to get an idea of the city, but you cannot explore everything. But today, I start with breakfast at the hotel. That means, that I didn’t sleep as long as I hoped to do. But 8:30 is OK. I have a lot of time to use. Breakfast as good as the times before.
I have some postcards that have to be send. The reception tells me, that the post office is 5 houses down the road perfect… or so I thought. They have several postal services in Argentina. An the stamps on half of my postcards is 1,5 km walking distance and it is faster to go, than to take a bus. I’m walking there and they take my postcards – let’s hope that they arrive one day. The other half of my postcards has to be posted, where you bought the stamps. This means, that I have to go to La Boca, where I was some days ago. 45 minutes bus drive one way… Shit… But I have to do it. Google maps tell me the best way to get there and again I start walking. On the way I see one of this small kiosks that are placed all over the city and this one is selling postcards… and YES, they have the box to post the cards. I hope this works. No idea how they do it, but I saved a lot of time I could use in better ways.
I will do an easy day. First I want to take a tour to the Japanese gardens and do some geocaching. Again a short and cheap bus ride. The public transport is not bad here – even if you might die due to the way they are driving here. 😀 The entrance fee to the gardens is 150 pesos. The gardens are nice, but I like the one in San Francisco more. It is not very big and of course, the geocache is gone, that I wanted to find. After a few rounds I try my luck outside in the green area. The next one isn’t there either but then I get lucky.
What I did wrong today is to take the wrong charging cable with me. Due to the intensive use of internet and GPS on my phone, I am soon out of power. I have to go back to the hotel to get the right cable. Without any posted information this is the only way to chose the right buses and find my way. I try to memorize which buses to take and where to get off. Of course my phone dies half way into the drive. But I know which bus to take into which direction, but I don’t know the stop. So it is a guessing game. The bus has to turn left once and then right and then, somewhere I have to get off. I am guessing and by luck or intuition, I chose the right stop and am only one block away from the hotel.
But before that I had a stop at an old fashioned bakery for a sweet treat and a cup of coffee.
While my phone is charging, I pack my bags a little bit more. Then I can leave for another tour. I manage to find a few more geocaches walking down one shopping street and to some parks in the city center until it gets dark.
For the last evening I am going back to the fantastic restaurant I was before, to eat more meat. I get to the hotel to leave all the stuff I don’t need and then walk to the restaurant (which is about 15 minutes away). I am there 10 minutes before opening, but the first people are already inside. I get my table and know what to order – tenderloin, but with mashed potatoes this time and more on the medium well side. Not disappointed and they are happy that I like the food. Unfortunately I have to get back to the hotel before the long trip tomorrow.

I order a taxi for 8:00 the next morning with the possibility to pay with VISA. No long bus ride or pulling my luggage through the city to save 10 Euro. Last packing and then it is time to sleep.