Of course… I am on holiday and wake up at 5:30. Turn around and mot sleep until 8:15. I forgot my toothbrush. No problem I Just have to buy one later today.
Breakfast at the Hotel is Ok but nothing special. It does the job.
Appen for Skånetrafikken advises me to get to the station and take the Skåneekspressen to Kristianstad. The ride costs 117 SEK and is das obtained in the app.
Bus 32 to the Station takes 5 minutes. Waiting time gets shortened by findung a Geocache.
Skåneekspressen 1 is a double decker bus. Front row is occupied of course. The ride takes about 1 h 41 min (much more than the train would have taken).

Arriving in Kristianstad, the weather is a little bit cloudy. Not to bad, but not a real summer either. The hotel is only 150 meters from the station. Very friendly staff. Got updated to a deluxe room and have enough of space.

Getting out to take a look at the city and do some Geocaching. First impression – the city is dead. No people out there on a Saturday. Empty shops looking for new occupants. No interesting cafés or restaurants. The same sops you find in every city.
The Trinity Church is nice. Came in when someone started practicing the organ.

Geocaching leads me south of the city center. The wind is getting stronger and suddenly it starts raining. Not a little bit, but a lot. Perfect! I have my umbrella at the hotel. Since I am wet I can carry on. The last bonus cache at the river and then – after waiting without luck for the rain to end – I follow the path north along the river into the Tivoli park. A nice little park with the old theater building, playgrounds, ponds and a café. Would be nicer in the sun.

Now I want to get really wet. I found the local pool and when there is nothing to do outside, lets do a little swimming. With city bus no. 4 a few stops north to Badriket. Very interesting that you can chose, what you want to do and pay accordingly. Very new and well organized pool. You armband lets you only into the areas that you payed for. After an hour of swimming and relaxing it is time to get out.
Still raining. I forgot my toothbrush so the ICA supermarket is just 5 minutes away. Get some stuff and then the next bus back to the station. There is time until dinner at the hotel, so some YouTube videos are consumed.
At 18;30 I get to the restaurant. With my voucher, I get 12 SEK off the meal. Wiener schnitzel is my choice and it was quite good. 140 SEK in the end, voucher used. And the sun is out.

Time to do a walk through that park that is really nice in the sun. An Adventure lab and calling home before it is time to get back to my room and end the day with some Netflix.